Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Debut of Ignite RailsConf

As a Baltimore-based Rails hacker, someone who loves Baltimore and who loves Ruby on Rails, I was pretty excited to hear about RailsConf coming to town on June 7th. The Rails community here in town is determined to make a great impression on our fellow programmers (especially given the negative reactions by some people to the choice of our city). Along those lines I'm pleased to announce Ignite RailsConf taking place on 6/6/10 at 6 pm at the Sheraton Inner Harbor.

You can propose a talk (due 4/25) or see more details at

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Using Ruby's Queue class to manage inter-thread communication

Bob Potter just showed me an awesome way to use Ruby's Queue class to communicate between two threads. I try to avoid multi-threaded programming as much as possible since I don't feel super confident with concurrency (at least with a language like Ruby). It can add a lot of complexity and headaches even when you know what you're doing, but there are several cases in OtherInbox where it makes a lot of sense.

In this case, I needed to log a very frequently-occurring event to SimpleDB. We don't need these logs to be 100% accurate, and the data gets processed offline for reports, so there's no need to keep the data in our main relational database. My first naive version of this code pushed a new item to SimpleDB each time the event occurred, but this ended up chewing up a lot of memory. To avoid slowing down the main process, I had been handing these one-off SimpleDB calls to an EventMachine deferred block, which caused references to all the objects I was using to generate the SimpleDB items to stick around for too long.

That's when Bob suggested I use a Queue to batch the work into chunks of 25 (the SimpleDB BatchPutAttribute limit) onto a separate standard Ruby thread. The resulting code looks like this (simplified for readability):
class Tracker
def track_event(a,b,c)
@queue ||=
hash = { :a => a, :b =>, :c => c }
@queue << hash


def start_pushing_thread
return if @pushing_thread
@pushing_thread = do
items = []

loop do
# pop will block until there are queue items available
items << @queue.pop

if items.size > 24


Once more than 24 items are in the queue, the thread calls code that we wrote to handle batch puts, then clears the array and waits for more.

We use an inter-process/inter-machine version of this paradigm all the time at OtherInbox: we make heavy use of SQS queues to handoff work from one box to another, but that wouldn't have helped here because then we'd just be introducing yet another web service dependency. So if you're in a situation where you need to keep a high volume process running quickly while handing off less important work in chunks, check out Queues!